Dream about Breaking Camera

Dream about breaking camera expresses a general betterment of your life and an improvement in your financial situation. You are sizing someone up. You need to take control of your animalistic forces and primal urges. This dream is a clue for increase prosperity and fortune. You are censoring yourself and watching what you say.

Breaking camera indicates the decision you are making and the path that you are taking. You need to channel and transform your outdated ideas or past experiences into something you can learn from. You are getting carried away by your feelings. Your dream denotes swiftness, transformation or self-sacrifice. People around you are anxiously awaiting your decision.

Breaking camera in dream signals harmony. You energies are being drained. There is something you are not confronting or are refusing to see. The dream hints the importance of learning from past generations. You need to deviate from the norm.

Dream about breaking camera expresses representing masculinity, energy and vigor

There is some emotions that you need to release and integrate into your daily life. You need to take new steps toward independence. Your dream is a signal for some cutting remark. You are trying to block out the rejected or negative aspect of yourself.

Breaking camera symbolises desires. You are just getting by in life. You feel you are being scrutinized and criticized. This dream is sometimes your raw emotions. You are refusing to confront an uncomfortable or awkward situation.

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I had a dream, where I was in a room and found a doll. I took the doll and broke it into pieces and the found a camera inside it which I also broke. It’s almost like a was renting someone’s place. Then I was watching some man taking a shower behind the curtains. I also dreamed there were 2 cats that I was petting. Then was an entire family family I don’t know going through the room I was staying in, I thought that’s weird. Then I saw a shoe holder as if I was in my childhood house.


I had a dream I was at a party and I broke the camera of the birthdays girl gift and felt bad everyone was mad at me and disappointed but when I was showing empathy and offering to replace it, the mother thanks me for my kindness and says it isn’t necessary and that she will replace it for me