Dream about White Camera

Dream about white camera is about your emotions and how you are trying to suppress them. You are analyzing yourself and your own thoughts from an objective view. You need an outlet for your feelings. This dream states the masculine and active attributes. You are discovering old talents or skills that you have been casting aside.

White camera is a premonition for wholeness, purity, healing, development and unity. You need to be more carefree and be young at heart. live a little! You have reached the zenith of your profession. The dream is sometimes your past experiences and feelings you associate with that particular person. Someone is looking to you for advice.

White camera in dream is an indication for representing masculinity, energy and vigor. Perhaps you need to stop comparing yourself to the standards of others. You have some repressed aggression or rage at yourself or at someone. Your dream is a sign for the end of some cycle or behavior. You are wanting to prevent yourself from getting hurt in a relationship.

Dream about white camera indicates your giving and charitable nature

You are undergoing a difficult and tumultuous time. You feel that you are not able to fully express yourself and be who you are. Your dream stands for leadership in some group idea or plan. You are being someone that you are not.

White camera is a premonition for work or career issues. You have been prevented from reaching your goals or destination. Perhaps you need to put a little oil in something to get things moving. The dream means your emotional persona and how you navigate through the various situations in your life. You are being shut out.

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